Teaching introverted students in an increasingly extroverted school system.

This mind map was created for my junior ABQ course through York University. I read the following articles which assisted me in the creation. http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2015/09/introverts-at-school-overlook/407467/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/katie-hurley/the-introvert-in-the-classroom_b_5760950.html http://sengifted.org/archives/articles/introversion-the-often-forgotten-factor-impacting-the-gifted

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Teaching introverted students in an increasingly extroverted school system. by Mind Map: Teaching introverted students in an increasingly extroverted school system.

1. Extroverts must learn to be sympathetic to the needs of their introverted peers.

2. The extroverted teacher must try and understand their introverted students and be sensitive of their needs.

3. The ability to work alone stay focused and autonomously produce work is an important life skill.

4. We must differentiate our instruction to meet the needs of all learners.

5. Extroverted students need to learn how to work autonomously and in an "introverted fashion.

6. Boards of education and the ministry are pushing harder than ever for teachers to teach to the strengths of the extrovert.

7. Focus on group work and allowing students to be social.

8. Schools are focusing on the educational needs of extroverts.

9. Collaborative learning

10. Project-based learning

11. Flipped classrooms

12. “Cooperative learning strategies harness the greatest part of human evolutionary behavior: sociality.”

13. “Forego passivity in favor of contribution and participation...students must overcome isolation in order to learn to write.”

14. Enables noisy distracted environments that are not conducive to learning for many students.

15. Noisy less structured extroverted environments prove problematic for students with ADD/ADHD

16. "students who engage in cooperative learning tend to outperform those immersed in traditional learning approaches."

17. We live in an extroverted world.

18. Introverted students may need to be taught coping strategies to survive in our increasingly extroverted world.

19. The introverted teacher must meet the needs of their extroverted students and try to create a balance in their teaching strategies.

20. Not everything has to be group work

21. Give students the option to work alone

22. Include some lecture based teaching

23. It's ok to put students in rows

24. We must make sure there is a balance between extroverted teaching strategies and introverted teaching strategies.

25. Using traditional teaching stratigies that meet the needs of our introverted students are not a bad thing!

26. Introverted teachers also struggle to keep up with this extroverted push.

27. Schools are neglecting the needs of students who work better in quiet settings.

28. Undermine the learning of students who are inward-thinking

29. Easily drained by constant interactions with others.

30. Introverts “feel at their most alive and their most switched-on when they’re in quieter, low-key environments.”

31. 1/3-1/2 of the population are introverts.

32. Longing to work autonomously

33. Thrive on structure