Testlio brownbag

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Testlio brownbag by Mind Map: Testlio brownbag

1. What is testlio

1.1. How are they different from onsite contractors

1.2. An SFO based company who manage testers around the world

1.3. Emphasis on exploratory testing

2. How do they work

2.1. PD setup a lot of logistic setup

3. Test planning process

3.1. Walkthrough by Godaddy folks to their QA managers

3.2. Testlio creates a mindmap usually with few questions

3.3. Colloborate and finalize mind map

3.4. Logistical setup

3.4.1. Accounts, products, access, firewall

4. Test execution process

4.1. Kicked

4.2. Bugs come automatically to our Jira

5. Pain points

5.1. Communication not smooth because of varying timezones and testers from all over the world

5.1.1. Testlio abstracts a lot of that

5.2. Cycle times are longer

5.3. Tough for us to make time for triaging for each cycle

5.4. Jira integration

5.4.1. Had to run a bulk edit

5.4.2. solved now!

6. Benefits

6.1. High quality of bugs

6.1.1. Proper repro steps

6.1.2. Reproducabiliyty rate

6.1.3. Cross verification!

6.2. Videos/images for all the bugs

6.3. Geographically distributed team

6.3.1. Various devices

6.3.2. Different personalities and focus areas

7. Test execution cycle 2

7.1. Bugs triaged and in proper backlog

7.2. Bugs get fixed

7.2.1. Status in our Jira set to TEST Status on testlio is set to Fixed (marked for verification)

7.3. They are re-tested

7.4. Testlio kicks off a new test execution cycle

7.4.1. Modify/add to existing mindmap as required