PC REading and Math

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PC REading and Math by Mind Map: PC REading and Math

1. Math

1.1. 3rd

1.1.1. PLace Value

1.1.2. Algebra

1.2. 4th

1.2.1. Multiplication Jeopardy

1.2.2. Division

1.3. 5th

1.3.1. Fractions

2. Reading

2.1. 3rd

2.1.1. The Banza

2.1.2. Vocabulary

2.1.3. figurative language

2.1.4. story elements

2.1.5. point of view

2.2. 4th

2.2.1. Thank You M'am Quizizz Introduction student review

2.2.2. Vocabulary

2.2.3. figurative language

2.2.4. story elements

2.2.5. point of view

2.3. 5th

2.3.1. Kaddo's Wall padlet

2.3.2. Vocabulary

2.3.3. figurative language

2.3.4. story elements

2.3.5. point of view

3. All About Me