IDEA Special Education Today

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IDEA Special Education Today by Mind Map: IDEA Special Education Today

1. Autism

1.1. A developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engaging in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences.

1.1.1. Emotionally disturbed children

1.1.2. Asperger syndrom

1.1.3. Rhett syndrom

1.1.4. Childhood distegrative disorder

1.1.5. PDDNOS

1.2. Tools for the classroom

1.2.1. apps that promote social development Look in my Eyes Emotionary

1.2.2. one-on-one instruction with tutor or teacher

1.2.3. use Task analysis

1.2.4. Give fewer instructions

1.2.5. avoid idioms

1.2.6. Peer modeling

1.2.7. predictable transitions

1.3. 3 Case studies with autistic children and speech therapies

2. Emotional Disturbance

2.1. A condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time, and to a degree that adversely affects educational performance.

2.1.1. Inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or disease

2.1.2. Inability to build or maintain interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers

2.1.3. Inappropriate types of behaviors or feelings under normal circumstances

2.1.4. General pervasive moods of unhappiness or depression

2.1.5. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems

2.1.6. A diagnosis of schizophrenia

2.1.7. Socially maladjusted children without a diagnosed emotional disturbance.

2.2. Megan's story

2.3. Tools for the classroom

2.3.1. School counceling Psychology therapy/family therapy

2.3.2. Adult mentoring program

2.3.3. Positivie reinforcement

2.3.4. Participation in school/community activities when appropriate

3. Intellectual Disability

3.1. Significant sub-average general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period.

3.2. Rosa's Law 2010

3.3. Tools for the classroom

3.3.1. e-book readers

3.3.2. ireadwrite

3.3.3. readoutloud6

3.3.4. Have tests questions read to him

3.3.5. Adjust the curriculum to meet level of understanding.

3.4. Matthew's Story

4. Multiple Disabilities

4.1. Simultaneous impairments of which causes server educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in a special education program solely for one of the impairments

4.1.1. Deaf-Blindness

4.2. Technology apps for 0-8 years Webinar

4.3. Tools for the classroom

4.3.1. Communication boards

4.3.2. e-book readers

4.3.3. readoutloud 6

4.3.4. positioning devices

4.3.5. Focusing on what the student can do.

5. Orthopedic Impairment

5.1. A severe orthopedic impairment that adversly affects academic performance

5.1.1. Congenital anomaly

5.1.2. Orthopedic disease

5.1.3. Other causes Cerebral palsy Amputations Contractures

5.2. Tools for the classroom

5.2.1. special designed desks

5.2.2. Learning trays/boards

5.2.3. special designed chairs

5.2.4. Therapy dogs

5.2.5. accessible classroom for wheelchairs

5.2.6. Easels

6. Speech or Language Impairment

6.1. Communication disorder that adversely effects educational performance.

6.1.1. Stuttering

6.1.2. Impaired articulation

6.1.3. Language impairment

6.1.4. Voice impairment

6.2. Tools for the classroom

6.2.1. speech therapy students that stutter can benefit from peer to peer communication with a therapist

6.2.2. communication boards

6.2.3. Break new tasks into longer, more specific steps

6.2.4. e-readers

7. Other Health Impairment

7.1. Having limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including heightened alertness due to environmental stimuli; which results in limited alertness with respects to the educational environment.

7.1.1. Asthma

7.1.2. ADD/ADHD

7.1.3. Chronic or acute hearth problems

7.1.4. Diabetes

7.1.5. Epilepsy

7.1.6. Hemophilia

7.1.7. Heart conditions

7.1.8. Lead poisoning

7.1.9. Leukemia

7.1.10. Nephritis

7.1.11. Rheumatic Fever

7.1.12. Sickle cell anemia

7.1.13. Touretts syndrom

7.2. Hani's story

7.2.1. My son Hani has seizures.  When he started K, the school suggested he be put on an IEP under Other Health Impairment.  Because academically he was on target for his grade level, we decided to set up a 504 plan instead.  Some of his accommodations include: being given written as well as oral instructions (since he has seizures in class); having un-timed tests; extra time to turn in homework if needed; among other physical accommodations like being allowed to use the bathroom whenever.

7.3. Tools for the classroom

7.3.1. Written as well as oral instructions

7.3.2. modified homework schedule

7.3.3. untimed tests

7.3.4. tutor if the child has lots of absences

8. Deaf-Blindness

8.1. Simultaneous hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that cannot be accommodated in a special education program solely for children who are deaf or blind.

8.2. Tools in the classroom

8.2.1. Assited Listening Devises ALDs

8.2.2. Interperters

8.2.3. Note-takers using Braille note-taking devises

8.2.4. Taped text books

9. Deafness

9.1. A hearing impairment so severe that a child is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, withor without amplification.

9.2. Caroline's Story

9.3. Tools for the Classroom:

9.3.1. Interperter for those who use sign language

9.3.2. Sitting closer to the teacher to facilitate lip reading.

9.3.3. Captioned film and videos

9.3.4. Assistance of a note taker

9.3.5. Written instructions

9.3.6. Transcribed lectures

10. Developmental Delay

10.1. Is Defined by each state means a delay in one or more of the following areas that adversely affects the child's education performance.

10.1.1. Physical development

10.1.2. cognivitive delopment

10.1.3. communication

10.1.4. Social/emotional

10.1.5. Adaptive (behavioral) delvelopoment

10.2. Assisstive Technology for Developmental delay.

10.2.1. Tools for the classroom Communication boards adjusting curriculum levels to students knowledge base sticker pages-fine motor skills pencil grips and writing boards Crabby-writer app talk to text apps

11. Hearing Impairment

11.1. An impairment in hearing whether permanent or fluctuating that adversely affects the child's educational process, but is not included under the definition of "deafness"

11.1.1. Tools for the classroom Teacher amplification device sitting up front to enable lip reading Written instructions Hand-free personal listening device captioned film and videos

12. Specific Learning Disability

12.1. A disorder in one or more basic psychological processes suing language that effects the ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or do math.

12.1.1. perceptual disability

12.1.2. Brain injury

12.1.3. Minimal brain disfunction

12.1.4. Dyslexia

12.1.5. Developmental ephasia

12.1.6. Visual problems

12.1.7. Hearing problems

12.1.8. Motor disabilites

12.1.9. Intellectual disabilities

12.1.10. Emotional problems

12.1.11. Environmental problems

12.1.12. Cultural issues

12.1.13. Economic problems

12.2. Tools for the classroom

12.2.1. e-readers

12.2.2. ireadwrite

12.2.3. Picture Me Reading

12.2.4. Giving verbal as well as written instructuion

12.2.5. Learning as a game

12.3. Nick's Story

12.4. Ellie's Story

13. Traumatic Brain Injury

13.1. An acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force resulting in total or partial functional disability and/or psycho-social impairment that adversely affects educational performance.

13.1.1. Congenital brain disorders

13.1.2. Degenerative brain disorders

13.1.3. Birth trauma

13.2. Tools for the classroom

13.2.1. untimed tests

13.2.2. Adjustable book holders

13.2.3. physical and/or occupational therapy

13.2.4. e-book readers

13.2.5. Note takers

13.2.6. shorter tasks, repeated instructions

13.3. Robert's Story

13.3.1. My husband Robert got into a near death accident when he was a freshman in college. He had to relearn how to walk, speak, write, among other daily activities.  He was diagnosed as having a TBI. When he was able to go back to school, he used several different accommodations and modifications, including a large grip on his pencil and un-timed tests.  He said the only way he passed his physics class was the ability to take tests without a time limit.

14. Visual Impairment including Blindness

14.1. Impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversly affects educational performance

14.1.1. partial sight

14.1.2. Blindness

14.2. Tools for the classroom

14.2.1. Large print books

14.2.2. Magnifying bars

14.2.3. Audio books

14.2.4. Braille note taking devices

14.2.5. audio recording devices