1. Globullomaxillary
1.1. 1. Definition
1.1.1. 1. found between maxillary lateral and canine
1.1.2. 2. from non edontogenic epithelium entrapped at site of fusion of globular process of fronto nasal and maxillary process
1.2. 2. Radio
1.2.1. Inverted Pear Shape
1.2.2. 1. well defined radiolucency causing divergence of root of lateral and canine
1.3. 3. Histopathology
1.3.1. 1. cysts lined with embryonic cuboidal epithelium or ciliated columnar or transitional
1.3.2. 2. C.T is free from inflammatory cells
2. Incisive Canal Cyst
2.1. 1. Etiology
2.1.1. within nasopalatine canal
2.1.2. 1. nasopalatine tract cyst forms 2ry to fusion of premaxilla with right and left palatal process leaving way on each side of nasal septum
2.1.3. 2. this canal joins nasal and oral cavities,epithelial remnants of nasopalatine tract within the incisve canal
2.1.4. 3. bacterial infection or trauma stimulate epithelial remnants to proliferate
2.2. 2. clinical features
2.2.1. 1. less than 1% of all cysts
2.2.2. 2. age 1. 4th-6th decades
2.2.3. 3. sex 1. males more than females
2.2.4. 4. site 1. any point along canal up to its nasal orofice
2.2.5. 5. size 1. increase in size is slow and may remain static for years 2. majority between 0.5-1.5cm
2.2.6. 6. appearance 1. rarely penetrates labial plate of bone and causes swelling beneath upper labial frenum or to one side of it close to root of central incisor 2. if infected they become swollen with pain due to pressure transmitted by cyst to palatine nerve 3. salty taste, nubness of anterior aspect of palate and sensation of pressure or fullness 4. adjacent incisors are usually vital and not sensitive to percussion and may be tilted
2.3. 3. Radiographically
2.3.1. 1. symptomless discovered in routine xray examination.
2.3.2. 2. there may be round or heart hsaped due to superiposition of ant nasal spine
2.3.3. 3. in midline between maxillary centrals
2.3.4. 4. not always possible to distinguish small cyst from incisive foramen
2.3.5. 5. incisve foramen never exceed 6mm diameter
2.4. 4. histopathology
2.4.1. 1. cyst lined by st. sq epithelium
2.4.2. 2. pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, cuboidal epithelium or any combination
2.4.3. 3. respiratory in nasal portion changing to squamous in oral portion
2.4.4. 4. c.t wall show inflammatory cell infiltration and contain mucous glands and large thick walled blood vessels
2.4.5. 5. nerve trunks may be seen within c.t wall and well demostrated by silver stain
2.4.6. 6. no cholestrol clefts (rare)
2.4.7. 7. viscous fluid content may be mucoid or pus i
3. Cyst of Palatine Papilla
3.1. 1. etiology
3.1.1. 1. develop from epithelial remnant in palatine papilla
3.1.2. Soft tissue at point of opening within the nasopalatine canal
3.2. 2. appearance
3.2.1. 1. mucosal covering is normal
3.2.2. 2. superfiicial fluctuant bluish swelling appear behind it and ruptures spontaneously with salty fluid discharge
3.3. 3. xray
3.3.1. 1. xray is negative
4. Nasolabial Cyst
4.1. 1. info
4.1.1. 1. soft tissue cyst not involving alveolus
4.2. 2. etiology
4.2.1. 1. arise from remnants at site of fusion between lateral nasal and maxillary process
4.2.2. 2. from remnants of solid cord of epithelial cells of nasolacrimal duct
4.3. 3. clinically
4.3.1. 1. age 1. 4th-5th decade
4.3.2. 2. sex 1. more in females
4.3.3. 3. soft tissue swelling of upper lip in canine region that obliterates nasolabial fold, mild nasal obstruction
4.3.4. 4. cyst may extend intraorally in mucolabial fold and grow at slow rate
4.4. 4. radio
4.4.1. 1. negative but bone resorption may result from pressure along labial aspect of anterior maxilla
5. Median Mandibular Cyst
5.1. 1. etiology
5.1.1. 1. from remnants in midline of mandible at fusion of 2 mandibular arches
5.1.2. 2. non inflammatory developmental cyst occuring between lower centrals
5.2. 2. clinical
5.2.1. 1. painless unless infected
5.2.2. 2. age 1. 2nd -3rd decade
5.2.3. 3. sex 1. no sex predilection
5.3. 3. radio
5.3.1. 1. symptomless round ovoid radiolucency at midline of mandible
5.4. 4. histopathology
5.4.1. 1. cavity lined by st. sq. epithelium
5.4.2. 2. inflammatory cells may be present in C.T wall 2ry to cyst being inflamed
5.5. 5. treatment
5.5.1. 1. simple enucleation
6. Median Palatal Cyst
6.1. 1. definiton
6.1.1. 1. arises from remnants at line of fusion of palatal processes
6.1.2. 2. non inflammatory developmental occuring in midline of palatal posterior to incisve canal
6.2. 2. clinically
6.2.1. 1. painless unless infected
6.2.2. 2. age 1. 3rd-6th decade
6.2.3. 3. sex 1. males more than females
6.3. 3. radio
6.3.1. 1. symptomless, discovered by routine xray
6.3.2. 2. appears round ovoid radiolucency at midline of palate
6.4. 4. Histopathology
6.4.1. 1. epithelial lining is thin, regular, continuous layer of stratified sq epithelium arises from smooth basement mebrane
6.4.2. 2. no or very few inflammatory cells seen
6.5. 5. treatment
6.5.1. 1. enucleation