Leadership Key Principles & the Future of Education

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Leadership Key Principles & the Future of Education by Mind Map: Leadership Key Principles & the Future of Education

1. Leadership - Win over the hearts and mind of the People - Kotter

1.1. Instead of getting them to think differently get them to feel differently

1.2. Tap in to the emotional side of people

1.3. People ‘s responses and actions are oriented with 60% heart and 40% mind

1.4. It is direct emotion-to-emotion connections that changes a person’s feelings.

1.5. The leader needs to be a role model

2. Education - What Do Schools of the future look like? - Bassett

2.1. The shift in Education: The shift in Knowing and Doing

2.1.1. You want to be in a school that is excited about learning and creativity and inventors events (not just the football team)

2.2. Teacher Centered vs. Student Centered

2.2.1. Guidance is important, kids learn first and best from people who love them-emotional intelligent in teachers are important

2.3. The Individual and the Team

2.3.1. Individualistic mindset gives too little sense of collective responsibility and teaming

2.4. Consumption of Information vs. Construction of Meaning

2.4.1. Divergent thinking- Kids imagining solutions to real work problems. Different objects and ideas merged together

2.5. Schools vs. Networks

2.5.1. Educators from all around the world are sharing ideas and resources collaboratively

2.6. High stakes testing vs. High Value Demonstrations

2.6.1. High stakes testing vs. portfolio

3. Education - The Future of Learning

3.1. Our current school system is broken as many college grads have degrees that are not representative of the needs of the larger whole

3.2. We need a new learning model that is integrated by design-personalized, learner-driven, applied, cost-effective and tech-enabled

3.3. The human capital continuum (the path in learning with birth to 26)  …map of new learning ecosystem which includes contributions from innovators to move learning through all levels

4. The 8 Stages of Change Process

4.1. 1 Establish urgency

4.1.1. Increasing urgency demands that you remove sources of complacency or minimize their impact

4.2. 2 Create a guiding coalition

4.2.1. One person cannot create the change needed to change an organization. Change comes from a team that is constructed with four key characteristics

4.3. 3 Develop a vision and strategy

4.3.1. Based in ambition to be the best at something, general enough to appeal to customers and stockholders, take advantage of general trends, especially globalization and technology and make no attempt to exploit anyone

4.4. 4 Communicate the change vision

4.4.1. Keep it simple

4.5. 5 Empower broad based action

4.5.1. Take a way as many barriers to the implementation of the change vision as possible

4.6. 6 Generate short term wins

4.6.1. A good short-term win has at least three variables: 1. It is visible so a large number of people can determine if the result is real or hype. 2. It is unambiguous, there is little argument about its success 3. The short-term win is clearly related to the change effort.

4.7. 7 Consolidate gains and produce more change

4.7.1. The guiding coalitions uses the credibility built by the short terns wins to approach bigger changes

4.8. 8 Anchor new approach in the culture

4.8.1. Changing the culture comes last not first, at the end of the transformation process