Characters By Jessica Carlisle

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Characters By Jessica Carlisle by Mind Map: Characters By Jessica Carlisle

1. Kyro (coach)

1.1. missed Jessica (p102)

2. Ms. Aloi (english teacher)

3. Mr. Vedder (science teacher)

3.1. excuse Jessica's homework (p100)

3.2. broke her daughter's arm (p100)

4. Hannah

5. Ms. Rucker (math teacher)

5.1. such a machine (p85)

5.2. never smiling, never flexing, never sharing personal things (p104)

6. Rose (classmate in math)

6.1. special-needs girl (p105)

6.2. rarely talk (p105)

6.3. passed Jessica a note (p107)

7. Jack Lowe (peacebreaker)

7.1. did not have insurance (p114)

8. Dr. Wells (doctor)

9. Shandall Norwood (player)

10. Vanessa Steele (player)

10.1. refused to shake Jessica's hand after game (p160)

10.2. legs are long (p165)

11. Mr. Benson

11.1. look grumpier (p128)

12. Lucy (friend)

12.1. died (p82)

13. Marcy (friend in the track team)

14. Shandall Norwood (sophomore)

14.1. run fast (p94)

15. Mrs. Wahl (teacher)

15.1. already know Jessica's name (p137)

15.2. welcome Jessica (p138)

16. Illy

17. Twent

18. Leesha

19. Panny

20. Sherlock (pet)

20.1. faithful company (p63)

21. Mrs. Carlisle (mother)

21.1. anxious (p76)

21.2. so strong through all this (p77)

21.3. proud of Jessica (p91)

22. Father

22.1. down on Kyro about insurance (p103)

23. Kaylee (sister)

23.1. barely grunts hello (p66)

23.2. snippy comments (p68)

24. Merryl (rival)

24.1. wasn't at welcome party (p108)

24.2. phony and self-absorbed (p110)

25. Fiona (friend)

25.1. expect Jessica to go out (p68)

25.2. helps Jessica homework (p84)

25.3. upbeat and optimistic (p84)

25.4. best friend (p95)

25.5. hates Merryl (p108)

26. Gavin (old crush)

26.1. need information about Jessica (p81)

27. Claudia Steele

27.1. long hair and sleek with subtle highlights (p164)

27.2. perfectly manicured hands (p164)

27.3. classy clothes (p164)

28. Chloe (receptionist)

28.1. like sunshine (p126)

28.2. wearing regular clothes (p126)

28.3. BK amputee (p127)

29. Hank Kruber (prosthetist)