by maria andrea m
1. Risk
1.1. Emotional distress: anger, frustration, embarrassment, sadness, fear, depression. Interference with school work or job performance. Quit job, drop out or switch schools. Delinquency and violence. Substance abuse. Possession of weapons on school grounds. Suicide.
2. how to ask for help?
2.1. - You can search on the internet for a cyber bullying support group that can help you if you are being bullying. - you can tell a grow up
3. Definition
3.1. the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.
4. Psychological impact on victims
4.1. the Consequences of Bullying “In the aftermath of being bullied, victims may develop a variety of psychological as well as somatic symptoms, some of which may persist into adulthood.” These long term psychological effects are very troubling to our society in the light of the increase of school shootings in recent decades. Many of the alleged shooters in these incidents were reported to have been bullied for years before they finally gave in to their own angry, violent urges. Bullying can no longer be dismissed as a kid’s problem that should be handled on the playground. The Psychological Effects of Bullying resulting from Consequences of Bullying are a serious mental health issue that parents and teachers need to be aware of in order to better care for their students and children.