MENINGOMYELOCELE                          is a type of Spina Bifida but Meningomyelocele being th...

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MENINGOMYELOCELE                          is a type of Spina Bifida but Meningomyelocele being the most common. Spina Bifida is a birth defect in which the spinal canal and the backbone don't close before the baby is born. This type of birth defect is also called a neural tube defect. by Mind Map: MENINGOMYELOCELE                          is a type of Spina Bifida but Meningomyelocele being the most common. Spina Bifida is a birth defect in which the spinal canal and the backbone don't close before the baby is born. This type of birth defect is also called a neural tube defect.


1.1. Your child may not develop bladder control. If so, they may need a catheter to drain the bladder.


2.1. Doctors don’t know exactly why this condition occurs. It’s possible that a lack of folic acid before and during early pregnancy impairs the development of the spinal cord. The condition may also be partly genetic. In many cases, however, there is no family connection.


3.1. Modern treatments have prolonged the life span for people with spina bifida. The University of Northern Carolina estimates 90 percent of people with this condition live to adulthood.

3.2. If your child has hydrocephalus, often called water on the brain, they may need to have a shunt inserted. It drains excess  liquid from around the brain and reduces pressure.

3.3. Because of the effect this condition can have on your child’s lower limbs, they might need to wear braces. Braces are orthopedic devices that support the legs or main part of the body.

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4.1. In most cases, the treatment is lifelong. Seeing a doctor regularly to assess any developing problems.

4.2. They may also need to use a wheelchair for life. Babies with Spina Bifida often require many surgeries to treat physical abnormalities they’re born with.

4.3. Babies are most likely to die as a result of a birth defect, or because of a complication from a surgery to fix a birth defect in the first few years after diagnosis.


5.1. This condition is usually diagnosed during the second trimester of pregnancy, when women can have a blood test called the quadruple screen. The test can screen for several conditions including meningomyelocele, Down syndrome, and other congenital diseases of the baby. Most women who carry a baby with neural tube defects have elevated levels of maternal alpha fetoprotein (AFP).


6.1. Spina bifida and other neural tube defects are believed to be related to low levels of folic acid. It’s important to take folic acid supplements during pregnancy. Folic acid is a B vitamin that is important in the development of red blood cells and is important for good health in general, especially during pregnancy. You should take a folic acid supplement before you become pregnant.