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1.1. it has always been happening and has never truly stopped ( perhaps slowed down and has become more talked about but never prevented)

2. https://www.mindmeister.com/716580972/women-s-abuse-social-issue

3. WHY- does it happen

3.1. Expectations that men should be strong, masculine, and more powerful than women can be very destructive to a man at risk for becoming violent. The shame triggered by the idea that they are appearing weak or unmanly can trigger some men to become enraged or to act on violent impulses.

3.2. couples involved in domestic violence have often forged a destructive connection; that they cannot live without each other.

3.3. often acting on their "critical inner voice." This "voice" is a destructive thought process in which people are telling themselves negative things about themselves and their partners.

3.4. some people believe that women are just objects/animals that they can use as they please.

4. HOW to stop it

4.1. with Men

4.1.1. make sure they know that its NOT okay

4.1.2. change the constructions of masculinity so that it doesn't incorperate asserting their strength over women

4.1.3. violence offenders in the community techniques to identify when they get triggered and to hit the "pause button" at those moments of stress

4.1.4. men who've been violent by helping them get to know their real self, teaching them to recognize their emotions, and enabling them to feel compassion and forgiveness for themselves and others.

4.2. with Women

4.2.1. make sure they know they deserve better

4.2.2. know the signs so they dont enter abusive relationships

4.2.3. they should know who to tell and where they can get help form

4.3. with children

4.3.1. ‘starting young’ is that adolescence is a crucial period in terms of women’s and men’s information of healthy, non-violent relationships later in life

4.3.2. education is key and showing them what healthy relationships look like

4.4. generally

4.4.1. persons should be taking 100 percent responsibility for his or her actions.

5. Statistic on Women's abuse

5.1. less that 10% of women who have been asulted/ abused have reported it to the police

6. WHO

6.1. Violence against women is not a private family issue. It is a community and public health issue affecting not only the abuser and his victim but everyone around them.

6.2. especially the women themselves and their children who grow up in that environment


7.1. It happens everywhere and anywhere ( there is no country, culture   or time period that hasn't/ is dealing with abuse

7.2. often in private so no else knows about it

7.2.1. home

7.2.2. work


8.1. treating a woman with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.

8.1.1. Physical abuse like hitting, shoving, kicking, biting, or throwing things

8.1.2. Emotional abuse like yelling, controlling what you do, or threatening to cause serious problems for you

8.1.3. Sexual abuse like forcing you to do something sexual you don't want to do

8.1.4. Financial abuse

8.1.5. neglect

8.2. Dating violence

8.3. Domestic and intimate partner violence

8.4. Emotional abuse

8.5. Human trafficking

8.6. Same-sex relationship violence

8.6.1. some people that women won't abuse other women but that is not the case; there can be abuse even in same sex relationships

8.7. Violence against immigrant and refugee women

8.8. Sexual assault and abuse

8.9. Stalking

8.10. Violence against women at work

8.11. Violence against women with disabilities


9.1. References About Family Violence. (n.d.). Retrieved June 18, 2016, from http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/fv-vf/about-apropos.html The Facts About Violence Against Women. (n.d.). Retrieved June 18, 2016, from http://www.canadianwomen.org/facts-about-violence?gclid=Cj0KEQjw4pO7BRDl9ePazKzr1LYBEiQAHLJdR5j1_MrI_eGhWFezYkFUsp6DZc93qDtYQIAPEYvJPQ8aAjhf8P8HAQ Violence Against Women. (n.d.). Retrieved June 18, 2016, from https://www.womenshealth.gov/violence-against-women/types-of-violence/