Cultural Kits

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Cultural Kits by Mind Map: Cultural Kits

1. How?

1.1. Teacher Collaboration on lesson plan

1.2. Provide adequate time to gather supplies for cultural kit.

1.3. Student presentation in class

1.4. Student sharing day, QA sessions, group sharing

1.5. Cultural Day becoming a school tradition

1.6. Student survey given afterwards to show what they know: Emphasis on similarities between cultures.

2. Why?

2.1. Promotes Inclusion

2.1.1. Project specifications

2.1.2. End User requirements

2.1.3. Action points sign-off

2.2. Encourages Respect for Diversity

2.2.1. Define actions as necessary

2.3. Students feel as if they belong

2.4. Builds a strong school community

3. Where?

3.1. Presentations done in the classroom

3.1.1. Q/A session for presenter Why are these items important? What are similarities between cultures?

3.2. Time for sharing between all first grades

3.3. Cultural Day

3.3.1. Parents may be invited to see displays

3.3.2. other student body invited to see displays

3.4. Display in hallway, library, or cafeteria

4. Who?

4.1. Candice Davis 1st grade Lead

4.2. Marcell Lucy. !st Grade Lead

4.3. Jennifer Carrol 1st grade Lead

4.3.1. Included

4.3.2. Included

4.3.3. Excluded

4.4. All first grade students.

5. What?

5.1. Shoebox

5.1.1. Materials

5.1.2. Personel

5.1.3. Services

5.1.4. Duration

5.2. Culture items

5.2.1. tools

5.2.2. stamps

5.2.3. currency

5.2.4. Pictures of family

5.2.5. toys

5.2.6. books

5.2.7. musical instruments

5.2.8. maps

5.2.9. eating utensils

5.3. Kits will be on display.

6. When?

6.1. During the first month of school

6.1.1. Dependencies

6.1.2. Milestones

6.2. During the "get to know one another" phase

6.2.1. Schedule

6.2.2. Budget

6.3. After students are familiar with procedures

6.3.1. KPI's