by catañlina muñoz
1. ways of comitting cyber-bullying: today you can doit in many ways but internet like different web pages like for example youtube, chats ,photos etc... all web pages on internet
2. consequences of cyber-bullying: the kids can have problems like bad grads on school problems to trust in ehe people, insecueres medical proble because cause,depreseed, damage and a lot of stressed etc...
3. strategies to stop cyber bullying: i think that the most important think that you need to do it cyber bullying is to talk with sometime adult to talk tot hat people or do what he need to do to help you to stop the problem.
4. advice for people to suffer from this problem: the people that suffer on this problem in the passing of time can suffer several problems so i advice to this people and said to them that that dont permit that the people do cyber bullying search the way to stooped