What does it mean to be a christian teenager today?

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What does it mean to be a christian teenager today? by Mind Map: What does it mean to be a christian teenager today?

1. Love others

1.1. Be positive

1.2. Listen to them

1.3. Be fair

2. Be reasoniable and considerate

2.1. Say what is true

2.2. Dont spread lies and rumours

2.3. Say nice things

3. Be a good catholic human

3.1. Go to church

3.2. Help out others

3.3. Be active

3.3.1. Participate

4. Understand the bible

4.1. Know how to read it

4.2. Understand what it means and what its saying

5. Attitude

5.1. Be nice

5.2. Help others when they need it

5.3. Be kind

6. Do not do bad things

6.1. No Crime

6.2. No Drugs

6.3. No Alcohol

6.4. But have Fun

6.4.1. Nothing Dangerous thought