C-diff Education Plan

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C-diff Education Plan by Mind Map: C-diff Education Plan


1.1. In patient

1.1.1. Use of PPI as appropriate

1.1.2. Address inappropriate testing

1.1.3. Use of soap and water hand hygiene upon room exit

1.1.4. Appropriate use of antibiotics

1.2. Out patient

1.2.1. Use of PPI as appropriate

2. Ancillary Staff

2.1. Use of soap and water hand hygiene upon room

2.2. Re-education of EHS staff to adhere to environmental cleaning procedures?

3. RN

3.1. Re-education

3.1.1. C-diff protocol

3.1.2. Bristol stool chart

3.1.3. Indicators for inappropriate stool specimen collection and testing

3.1.4. Compliance with the care bundle

3.1.5. Importance of unit leaders to be present during daily C-diff rounding

3.1.6. Promote early isolation for diarrheal illness

3.2. New education

3.2.1. Meditech enhancements

3.2.2. Clearly mark basins for hands, bathing, and incontinence care

3.2.3. Daily patient, family, and visitor education on C. diff, exclusive use of soap and water hand hygience

3.2.4. Administration of Kefir or probiotic as ordered

3.2.5. Soap and water hand hygiene upon exit

4. CNA

4.1. Re-education

4.1.1. Compliance with the care bundle/ adherence to diarrhea isolation precautions

4.1.2. Aid primary nurse to educate patients and families of isolation practices (i.e. handwashing, avoid obstructing sinks in patient rooms) and maintenance of isolation procedures (i.e., handwashing, covering furniture, proper signage, etc.)

4.1.3. Attendance during daily C-diff rounds

4.2. New Education

4.2.1. Dx, S/Sx, Tx

4.2.2. Use of Bristol stool chart

4.2.3. Able to identify when stool collection is inappropriate according to their level of education and skill set

4.2.4. Meditech enhancements

4.2.5. Clearly mark basins for hands, bathing, and incontinence care

4.2.6. Daily patient, family, and visitor education on C. diff, exclusive use of soap and water hand hygiene

4.2.7. Soap and water hand hygiene upon exit