Assessment Terminology map

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Assessment Terminology map by Mind Map: Assessment Terminology map

1. Assessment

1.1. Nature of the Assessment

1.1.1. Typical Performance

1.1.2. Maximum Performance Aptitude Test Acheivement Test

1.2. Format of Assessment

1.2.1. Fixed-Choice Test

1.2.2. Complex Performance Assessment

1.3. Use in Classroom Instruction

1.3.1. Placement Assessment

1.3.2. Formative Assessment

1.3.3. Diagnostic Assessment

1.3.4. Summative Assessment

1.4. Method of Interpreting the Results

1.4.1. Norm-Referenced Assessment

1.4.2. Criterion-Referenced Assessment

2. Reliability

2.1. Coefficient Types

2.1.1. Correlation Coefficient

2.1.2. Reliability Coefficient

2.1.3. Validity Coefficient

2.2. Margin of Error

2.2.1. Standard Error of measurement

2.3. Methods of Testing for Reliability

2.3.1. Test-Retest (immediate)

2.3.2. Test-Retest (time interval)

2.3.3. Equivalent forms (immediate)

2.3.4. Equivalent forms (time interval)

2.3.5. Split-half

2.3.6. Kuder-Richardson (coefficient alpha)

2.3.7. Interrater

3. Grading

3.1. Absolute Grading

3.2. Relative Grading

3.3. Scores

3.3.1. Raw Scores

3.3.2. T-Scores

3.3.3. Mean

3.3.4. Standard Deviation

3.3.5. Weighted Composite

3.4. Grading Systems

3.4.1. Traditional letter-grades

3.4.2. Pass-Fail

3.4.3. Checklist of Objectives

3.4.4. Portfolios of Student Work

4. Test

4.1. Types of Tests

4.1.1. Informal Test

4.1.2. Standardized Test

4.1.3. Individual Test

4.1.4. Group Test

4.1.5. Mastery Test

4.1.6. Survey Test

4.1.7. Supply Test

4.1.8. Fixed-Response Test

4.1.9. Speed Test

4.1.10. Power Test

4.1.11. Objective Test

4.1.12. Subjective Test

4.1.13. Complex Performance Test

5. Validity

5.1. Content

5.2. Construct

5.3. Assessment-Critereon Relationship

5.4. Consequences