Festival Website

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Festival Website by Mind Map: Festival Website

1. Line-Up

1.1. Shows all of the artists at the festival split over 3 different stages

1.1.1. Main Stage Red Hot Chili Peppers Stereophonics Bloodhound Gang Arctic Monkeys

1.1.2. Stage 2 Ed Sheeran Tinchy Stryder Michael Buble Owl City

1.1.3. Stage 3 Jessie J Britney Lily Allen Taylor Swift

1.1.4. Body scrolls instead of whole website

1.2. Images of all the artists

1.2.1. When mouse hovers over them, the photos change to another photo

2. Tickets

2.1. Form asking how many tickets you wish to purchase with a link to the next page (not accessible by the navigation bar)

2.1.1. Next page is filling in the personal details of the person buying the tickets Next page is card details to be entered by the person buying the tickets Next page is the billing address, form submission button at the bottom Links to an image that explains where a person can find the CSC on their card

3. Gallery

3.1. Contains images photos from previous occurrences of the festival

3.2. Body scrolls instead of whole website

4. Colours

4.1. Paint splattered photo background from a previous festival

4.2. Yellow Background

4.2.1. Title of Website

4.2.2. Title of Page

4.2.3. Copyright Notice

4.3. Blue Background

4.3.1. Navigation Bar

4.3.2. Body of Text

4.4. Black text

4.4.1. Yellow hyperlinks Background of hyperlinks turn pink when cursor hovers over them

5. Home

5.1. Welcome to the website in body of text

5.1.1. Body of text scrolls instead of the whole website

5.1.2. Date and time at the bottom of the body of text

5.2. Navigation bar at the top to take you to other pages on the website

5.3. Copyright notice at bottom of page

5.4. 'Global Gathering 2014' title at the top of page

6. Information

6.1. Gives information about the festival under several different headings

6.1.1. Sexual relations at the festival

6.1.2. Alcohol at the festival Contains a link to the Drinkaware website

6.1.3. Getting to the festival Has a Google map location of the Eisteddfod arena embedded

6.2. Body scrolls instead of whole website

6.3. Date of festival included in body of text