Upstream Downstream documentation Collaboration BxMS

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Upstream Downstream documentation Collaboration BxMS by Mind Map: Upstream Downstream documentation Collaboration BxMS

1. risks

2. Benefits

3. challenges

3.1. Technological

3.1.1. Upstream and downstream needs to convert documentation into Asciidoc in order to facilitate seamless collaboration Post conversion, many questions left unanswered, addressed in queries section

3.2. Resource related

3.2.1. Team not adept enough with Product to make informed decisions on merge/ pull requests

3.2.2. Team strength not optimal to address this additional gatekeeper/ curator requirement

3.3. Not all content can be mirrored

3.3.1. some features not supported Technical Preview? As unsupported downstream, don't document

3.4. Information Architecture wise

3.4.1. Upstream is feature based

3.4.2. Downstream is chapter based

3.4.3. Call for downstream content to be modular, topic based, persona driven

3.4.4. Upstream content not always attuned to user/ persona needs

3.5. stylistics wise

3.5.1. Upstream doesn't always adhere to minimalism or style guide based writing

3.6. Downstream content issues

3.6.1. Obsolete Content

3.6.2. Inaccurate Content

3.6.3. Redundant Content

3.6.4. Old content in need of being updates

3.6.5. Older content not adhering to style guide or basic Technical Writing tenets

3.6.6. Holistic Review order of the day

4. Disadvantages

5. Questions

5.1. Who has ownership of docs?

5.2. If doc structure differs, do we streamline both and incorporate consistency? who does it? who maintains it?

5.3. What is the process/ workflow for merge/ pull requests?

5.4. How will engineering be involved?

5.5. How will CCS-Engg collaborate?

5.6. What next after asciidoc conversion?

5.7. How will we determine what content from upstream will end up in Product Documentation?

5.8. How much work will come the Writers' way, in the form of PRs, MRs, etc? If there is a lot more work, this can be considered a rick unless there is a full time Repo Gatekeeper/ Curator role assigned

5.9. Content Strategy related

5.9.1. If PRs are not in sync with CS, what happens next? Is there agreement with Engg about what goes in, what doesn't and who will take final call?