Intergrating IT in KS3 curriculum

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Intergrating IT in KS3 curriculum by Mind Map: Intergrating IT in KS3 curriculum

1. students perspective

1.1. Computer software

1.1.1. HotPotatoes

1.1.2. Online testing exercise

1.1.3. PowerPoint Presentation

2. web 2.0 tools

2.1. Facebook

2.1.1. communication and discussion

2.2. Wiki

2.2.1. vocabulary building

2.2.2. finding information

2.3. Youtube

2.4. Online drive

2.4.1. Google drive File sharing develop collaborative skills

2.4.2. Dropbox

3. teachers perspective

3.1. e-books

3.1.1. students can enjoy other experiences of learning

3.2. Youtube

3.2.1. a way of presenting information to students

3.3. Teachers training

3.3.1. workshop for teachers to familiarize with the IT tools

4. Extra resources on the Web

4.1. HKEdCity

4.1.1. provide learning materials for students

4.2. EDB

4.3. HKEAA

4.3.1. provide pastpapers for students