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Diversity by Mind Map: Diversity

1. Autism


1.2. Temper tantrums, running around the room, loud vocalizations, self-injurious activities, or other disruptive or distracting behaviors.

1.3. Student may be a strong reader, and able to comprehend. Student may have difficulty  writing due to the organizational demands. Student may struggle with speaking, may only repeat what they hear. Student may be listening but may not make eye-contact.

1.4. Assessments

1.4.1. 1. Text Sort 2. Drawing what they know 3. Cloze Sentences (Fill in the blank).

1.5. Instructional Stratagies

1.5.1. Think- Aloud is effective to assist student in reading comprehension. Modeling appropriate behavior, and how you expect activities to look. Consistent and clear instruction and expectations for students.

2. ADD


2.2. Difficulty focusing, no attention to detail, easily distracted, difficulty organizing, avoids dislikes, loses things unnecessarily, talk often, be forgetful.

2.3. Reading should be interesting to the child, help to break up reading into shorter blocks. May make careless mistakes when writing. Typically can do well with speaking. May interrupt others when listening.

2.4. Assessments

2.4.1. 1. Brain Dump. 2. Exit Ticket, 3. one-sentence summary.

2.5. Instructional Stratagies

2.5.1. Teach memory techniques (mnemonics, visualization, numerous repetitions). Provide an outline. Frequently us cooperative learning. Follow 5-2-1 to ensure student has less of an opportunity to get distracted.

3. Specific Learning Disabilities


3.2. Students may have trouble in academics, trouble connecting language to print, consistent errors, difficulty in math and technical subjects, lack motivations, fidget, be easily distracted, appear to not listen, talk at inappropriate times.

3.3. Child could be dyslexic and struggle with reading, may not be able to read aloud or may have poor comprehension. Students often struggle to write and have poor penmanship. Students may be unable to comprehend verbal lectures. Students could be non-verbal or be reserved to speak

3.4. Assessments

3.4.1. 1. Colored Cards, Invented Dialogues, One-word summary.

3.5. Instructional Stratagies

3.5.1. KWL Charts, Graphs, Visual aids, Method for student feedback, shorten repetitive assignments.

4. Emotional/Behavior Issues


4.2. Impulsive, an inability to learn that cannot be explained intellectually or sensory, lack of interpersonal relationships,Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings, general mood of unhappiness, unexplained outbursts.

4.3. Students may be below level in reading. Writing may be especially difficult. Students are good listeners but need firm redirection when necessary. Students may enjoy speaking and if so it should be a strategy to assess.

4.4. Assesments

4.4.1. 1. Focused listing 2. All-American Baseball 3. Exit ticket

4.5. Instructional Stratagies

4.5.1. Choral response, Think-aloud, modeling (both behavior and the assignments), Visual and auditory supports during lessons.

5. Giftedness


5.2. Impatient, Inquisitive, Eager to begin projects, occasionally lacks attention to detail, finishes classwork quickly, rejects criticism, works better independently then in groups.

5.3. Student may enjoy reading and read at a higher level then peers. Student may have good writing in terms of content but print could be sloppy if student eagerly "rushes" work. Typically is a good speaker with good understanding of rules. Gifted students often strong listeners.

5.4. Assessments

5.4.1. 1. Learning Journal, Captain of the day, Student self-assess or meta-cognition.

5.5. Instructional Stratagies

5.5.1. Refer to blooms taxonomy and give students higher level tasks. Ask open ended questions for discussions and writing prompts, encourage students to use graphic organizers to develop ideas further.