Retired Math Teacher

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Retired Math Teacher by Mind Map: Retired Math Teacher

1. What am I really good at?

1.1. Teaching

1.1.1. Instructional process

1.2. Helping others learn something new

1.3. Math content

1.4. Working with kids

1.5. Helping parents

1.6. Adjusting to change, flexibility

2. Who can you help?

2.1. Parents

2.1.1. How to help their math students at home. Simple "off season" summer strategies and tips for keeping students on their game when school is out of session. Hello! Common Core math ... teach this to parents so we can teach our kids!

2.1.2. (mentioned in the video) This is a great example of a talented speech pathologist who is taking her knowledge and passion and creating a digital resource to help unlock the reading code.

2.2. Kids

2.2.1. Simple guides to help "tutor" kids in a variety of math areas, based on need of students.

2.2.2. Do you have a text book that you really love? Make a product that helps kids using that text book and share it worldwide.

2.2.3. Create ways of helping kids see how math is woven into the fabric of the world. Maybe host people who use math that are in unexpected careers: video gaming, amusement park creators, movie industry, music industry. Inspire them to see how beautiful math is and how it's everywhere :)

2.3. Other teachers

2.3.1. Create time saving strategies for implementing math in any classroom

2.3.2. Strategy guides

2.3.3. Common Core quick math activities for specific grade levels

2.3.4. How can you help new math teachers?

2.3.5. How can you help teachers teaching math who don't like math?

2.3.6. How can you help teachers really connect with their students through math?

2.4. Administrators

2.4.1. Ways to help keep teachers focused on the importance of math instruction

2.5. College students who want to become teachers.

2.5.1. How to prepare for the transition to the math teacher's classroom

2.5.2. Simple guide to setting up a classroom

2.5.3. What you need in your classroom

2.5.4. How a math classroom is different than other classrooms (set up, posters, management, etc)

3. Your secret super power

3.1. What were you known for?

3.2. What was the one thing you loved doing most?

3.3. After a student had been in your classroom, what new skill were they going to have?

3.4. How can you conceptualize your super power in a way that can continue to help kids and teachers as if you were still in the classroom?

4. What did you LOVE about being a math teacher?

4.1. Relationships with students

4.2. Sharing your content knowledge

4.3. Friendships with other teachers

4.4. Being an "expert" in your content area

5. What did you NOT ENJOY about being a math teacher?

5.1. Standardized tests

5.2. Continual change of instructional focus

5.3. Difficult parents

5.4. Unmotivated students

5.5. Classroom stressors

5.6. Not being appreciated

6. What part about being a math teacher did you really enjoy the most.   "It was simply awesome and I miss it."

6.1. Think about things you love related to being a math teacher and create ways to bring that part of the job back into your life in a way that can help others.