Learning Management System

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Learning Management System by Mind Map: Learning Management System

1. Assessements

1.1. Test

1.2. Quiz

1.3. Activities using different tools

2. ePortfolio

2.1. Learning ePortfolio

2.2. Employment ePortfolio

2.3. Professional ePortfolio

3. Gradebook

4. Podcasting

4.1. Video files

4.2. Audio files

5. Leature Notes

6. Communication tools

6.1. Asynrochuous communication

6.1.1. Discussion Board

6.1.2. Blog

6.1.3. Forum

6.1.4. Wiki

6.2. Synrochuous communication

6.2.1. Chat Room

6.2.2. Video Conferencing

6.2.3. Teleconferencing

6.2.4. Whiteboard

7. Announcements