All about Me

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All about Me by Mind Map: All about Me

1. Personality Spectrum

1.1. Strong Tendency

1.1.1. Giver

1.1.2. Organizer

1.2. Moderate Tendency

1.2.1. Thinker

1.2.2. Adventurer

2. O*NET My Interest Profiler

2.1. High

2.1.1. Social

2.1.2. Artistic

2.1.3. Investigative

2.2. Low

2.2.1. Realistic

2.2.2. Conventional

2.2.3. Enterprising (business)

3. Emotional Intelligence

3.1. Need to Work on

3.1.1. Intrapersonal Self Awareness Asertiveness Self Regard

3.1.2. Stress

3.1.3. Anxiety

3.1.4. Mindset

4. Interests

4.1. Singing

4.2. Working Out

4.3. Praying

4.4. Swimming

4.5. Writing

5. Teaching Styles I prefer

5.1. Group Work

5.2. Visual Focus

5.3. Lectures with group discussion

6. Multiple Intelligences

6.1. Highly Developed

6.1.1. Music

6.1.2. Bodily-Kinesthetic

6.2. Moderately Developed

6.2.1. Visual-Spatial

6.2.2. Interpersonal

6.2.3. Logical-Mathematical

6.2.4. Verbal-Linguistic

6.2.5. Intrapersonal

7. BE Results

7.1. Physiological Preferences

7.1.1. Strong Early Morning: Not productive in completing difficult tasks Late Afternoon: Most productive in completing complex tasks Less Mobility when completing a task or studying Snacking while completing a task or studying

7.1.2. It Depends Evening: Not very productive in completing a difficult assignment or task

7.1.3. Moderate Late Morning/Early Afternoon: Better to work late afternoon on difficult tasks

7.2. Environmental Preferences

7.2.1. Strong Low Light: Easier for myself to concentrate Quiet: Most productive when studying and being able to concentrate Prefer to be Cool: When working and doing assignments Informal Seating (sofa, soft chair): When working on difficult tasks and being able to concentrate

7.2.2. It Depends None

7.2.3. Moderate None

8. Successful Intelligence

8.1. High

8.1.1. Creative Thinking Skills

8.2. Moderate (Need to Work on)

8.2.1. Practical Thinking Skills

8.2.2. Analytical Thinking Skills

9. Study Strategies

9.1. Design games to learn material

9.2. Use color in your Notes

9.3. Draw pictures and create images in your mind

9.4. Late afternoon is best to study

9.5. Make a quizlet