IDEA Categories

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IDEA Categories by Mind Map: IDEA Categories

1. Emotional Disturbance

1.1. There are six types of emotional disturbances

1.1.1. Anxiety disorders

1.1.2. Bipolar disorder

1.1.3. Conduct disorders

1.1.4. Eating disorders

1.1.5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

1.1.6. Psychotic disorders

1.2. Educational challenges

1.2.1. Potential classroom disruptions

1.2.2. Inability to maintain relationships with peers and teachers

1.2.3. Inappropriate behavior or feelings

1.3. Strategies adopted

1.3.1. Postive Behavioral Support (PBS)

1.3.2. Collaboration with behavioral therapist and/or psychotherapist

2. Hearing Impairment

2.1. Not included under the definition of "deafness"

2.2. Educational challenges

2.2.1. All educational obstacles stem around communication

2.2.2. Listening to lectures

2.2.3. Watching educational videos

2.2.4. Presenting oral reports

2.2.5. Grammar, spelling and vocabulary subjects

2.3. Strategies adopted

2.3.1. Early intervention is key

2.3.2. Voice and articulation training

2.3.3. Assistive technology

2.3.4. Lip reading

2.3.5. Sign language

2.3.6. Turning on captions while watching a video

2.4. Case study: Hanna

2.4.1. She is in a regular classroom

2.4.2. Teacher always addresses her face to face communication

2.4.3. Accommodation: reading lips

2.4.4. Group projects as part of her treatment

3. Orthopedic Impairment

3.1. Evaluation is required to be classified in this category

3.2. Educational challenges

3.2.1. Non-accessible transportation

3.2.2. Trouble maneuvering around the classroom

3.2.3. Communicating effectively

3.3. Strategies adopted

3.3.1. Classroom arrangments

3.3.2. Communication-based assistive technology

4. Speech or Language Impairment

4.1. Affects child's educational performance

4.2. Covers stuttering, articulation, language and voice impairments

4.3. Educational challenges

4.3.1. Communication skills

4.3.2. Be active in the classroom

4.3.3. Understanding curriculum materials

4.4. Strategies adopted

4.4.1. Early intervention

4.4.2. Use a speech-language pathologist

4.4.3. Address the issue of bullying if occurs

4.4.4. Simple tasks and assignments

5. Traumatic Brain Injury

5.1. Includes mental, physical and emotional disabilities

5.2. Educational challenges

5.2.1. Short and long-term memory difficulties

5.2.2. Problems with following directions

5.2.3. Difficulty learning new skills

5.2.4. Problems concentrating

5.3. Strategies adopted

5.3.1. Allow extra time to complete homework and tests

5.3.2. Break down directions to small steps

5.3.3. Teach students to use a day planner to eliminate confusion

6. Visual Impairment (Including Blindness)

6.1. Includes irregular eye movements, unusual habits and sitting abnormally

6.2. Education challenges

6.2.1. Conceptualizing objects

6.2.2. Classroom setup

6.2.3. Operating standard tools

6.2.4. Reading

6.3. Strategies adopted

6.3.1. Early intervention

6.3.2. Add hearing assistive technology

6.3.3. Sensory learning

7. Other Health Impairment

7.1. Includes AD/HD

7.2. Educational challenges

7.2.1. Safety issues in the classroom

7.2.2. Need of immediate medical attention

7.2.3. Repetitive abscence due to sickness

7.3. Strategies used

7.3.1. Make up classes

7.3.2. Educational plan

8. Sources



9. Autism

9.1. Difficulty understanding social interactions

9.2. Educational challenges

9.2.1. Trouble following directions

9.2.2. Hampered ability to communicate

9.2.3. Disinterest

9.2.4. Disruptive behavioral problems

9.3. Strategies used

9.3.1. Assistive technology

9.3.2. Give a simple and direct direction

9.3.3. Follow a routine

9.4. Case study

9.4.1. Main teacher meets with a team to discuss how to  minimize the student's anxiety

9.4.2. Student has social, physical, academic and behavioral needs

9.4.3. High anxiety

9.4.4. Student accomodation No pushing Talk to the classroom when he feels comfortable Aid: computer games and math games

10. Deaf-Blindness

10.1. Educational challenges

10.1.1. Understanding classroom lectures

10.1.2. Participating in class discussions

10.1.3. Presenting oral reports

10.1.4. Fulfilling reading assignments

10.2. Strategies adopted

10.2.1. Direct and simple directions

10.2.2. Emphasizing the power of touch

11. Deafness

11.1. No ability to hear intensity (loudness), pitch (frequency) or both

11.2. Educational challenges

11.2.1. Learning by lectures

11.2.2. Note taking

11.2.3. Taking oral exams

11.2.4. Watching educational films

11.2.5. Giving oral presentations

11.3. Strategies adopted

11.3.1. Text-to-speech assistive technology

11.3.2. Assistive listening device

11.4. Case study: Deafness in the classroom

11.4.1. Obstacles: no communication, comprehend speech

11.4.2. Student's accomodations Assisted technology ASL as a first language Uses of auditory-oral , auditory-verbal education

12. Intellectual Disability

12.1. Significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning

12.2. Delay in reaching developmental milestones

12.3. Poor problem-solving skills

12.4. Educational challenges

12.4.1. Trouble understanding new concepts

12.4.2. Inappropriate behavior

12.4.3. Limited vocabulary

12.4.4. Difficulty accomplishing complex tasks

12.5. Strategies adopted

12.5.1. Postive reinforcement

12.5.2. Clear and slow tasks

12.5.3. Repetitive routine

12.5.4. Verbal instruction with visual clues

13. Multiple Disabilities

13.1. Educational challenges

13.1.1. Capability to function in the classroom

13.1.2. Communication skills

13.1.3. Assessing and compensating for visual or hearing impairments

13.2. Strategies adopted

13.2.1. Physical and occupational therapy

13.2.2. Assistive technology

13.2.3. Assigned aid if possible

13.2.4. Sign language, hearing aids

13.2.5. Priority seating

14. Specific Learning Disability

14.1. Includes conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and aphasia

14.2. Educational challenges

14.2.1. Difficulty holding a pencil

14.2.2. Difficulty reading, writing, listening, speaking and reasoning

14.2.3. Trouble understanding lectures

14.2.4. Struggling to write papers and essays

14.3. Strategies adopted

14.3.1. Identify students' weaknesses and strengths

14.3.2. Simple assignments with clear tasks

14.3.3. Provide assistance with homework

15. Developmental Delay

15.1. Affects language or speech, movement, social and emotional skills and thinking

15.2. Educational challenges

15.2.1. Participating in classroom discussions

15.2.2. Communicating effectively

15.3. Strategies used

15.3.1. Set expectations

15.3.2. Provide simple and clear tasks

15.3.3. Provide social classroom experience