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FILMS by Mind Map: FILMS

1. Production

1.1. Script

1.2. scene

1.3. shot

1.3.1. cut

1.4. sequel

1.5. preview

1.5.1. premiere

2. Parts of cinema

2.1. screen

2.2. box office/ticket office

2.3. aisle

2.4. front row

3. Story

3.1. climax

3.2. plot

3.3. character

3.4. dialogue

3.4.1. lines

4. Art

4.1. Sets

4.1.1. lighting

4.2. Costumes

4.3. Hair and Make-Up

4.3.1. Make-Up Artist

4.3.2. Hairdresser

4.4. Special Effects

4.5. Aerial view

5. People

5.1. Actor

5.2. Screenwriter

5.3. cast

5.4. Producer

5.5. Film critic

5.6. Star

5.7. Film director