iEducator Map of Technology Integration Resources

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iEducator Map of Technology Integration Resources by Mind Map: iEducator Map of Technology Integration Resources

1. LMS & Parent Communication

1.1. Edmodo

1.2. Canvas

1.3. Schoology

1.4. Remind

1.5. Google Classroom

1.6. Talking Points

1.7. Apple Tree

2. QR Code Generators

2.1. QRStuff

2.2. QR Code Generator

2.3. Trackable QR Code

3. Assessments & Polling

3.1. Socrative

3.2. Google Forms

3.2.1. Flubaroo

3.3. ForAllRubrics

3.4. Quick Rubric

3.5. Kahoot

3.6. ExitTicket

3.7. Formative

3.8. PollEverywhere

3.9. Plickers

3.10. Quizlet

3.11. Doodle

3.12. Quizizz

4. Timeline Tools

4.1. Capzels

4.2. Timeline iOS

5. Presentation Strategies

5.1. Google Earth

5.1.1. Geo-Referencing the Curriculum

5.2. Evernote

5.3. Educreations

5.4. Livebinders

5.5. Quizlet

5.6. Blendspace

5.7. Graphing

5.8. Symbaloo

5.8.1. My Webmix

5.8.2. Picture Slicing

5.9. PixiClip

5.10. Slide Story

5.11. Nearpod

5.12. Prezi

5.13. Keynote

5.14. Google Presentations

5.15. Flipbook

5.16. Seesaw

6. Classroom Management Strategies

6.1. Remind

6.2. Class Dojo

6.3. Class Charts

6.4. Google Keep

7. Digital Brainstorming

7.1. Padlet

7.2. AnswerGarden

7.3. Popplet

7.4. Mindmeister

8. Webpage Design

8.1. Weebly

8.2. Google Sites

8.3. Wordpress

9. Blogging

9.1. Blogger

9.2. Weebly

9.3. Edublog

9.4. Wordpress

10. Other Curriculum Tools

10.1. Hour of Code

10.2. Spanish (and other languages)

10.3. Prodigy

10.4. Crafty

11. The Playground Advocate

12. Edutopia

13. Collaboration Strategies

13.1. Mindmeister

13.2. Google Docs

13.2.1. Voice Comments

13.3. Google Hangouts

14. Digital Video & Storytelling

14.1. Video Capture

14.1.1. Screencast-O-Matic My Channel

14.2. TubeChop

14.3. Animoto

14.4. PixiClip

14.5. PowToon

14.6. Educreations

14.7. Visme

14.8. EDpuzzle

14.9. Adobe Spark

15. Storage

15.1. Google Drive

16. Digital Books

16.1. iBooks Author

16.1.1. Bookry

16.1.2. 3d Warehouse Images

16.2. Flipbook

16.3. Project Gutenburg

17. Back-Channel Discussions

17.1. Today's Meet

17.2. Twitter

17.3. Padlet

18. Professional Learning Community

18.1. Social Networking

18.1.1. Facebook

18.1.2. Google+

18.1.3. Learning Connection

18.1.4. Twitter Hootsuite

18.1.5. Pinterest

18.1.6. Linkedin

18.2. Keeping Up With Current Trends

18.2.1. Blogs to follow Free Tech 4 Teachers Edudemic Mindshift

18.3. Smarter Cookie

18.4. Scoop It

19. Reading Strategies

19.1. Actively Learn

19.2. Free eBooks

19.3. Diigo


19.5. Project Gutenburg

19.6. Free Audio Books

19.7. Zing

19.8. Literably

20. Info Graphics & Digital Posters


20.2. Smore

20.3. Wordle

20.4. Visme

20.5. piktochart

20.6. Adobe Spark

21. Open Ended Resources

21.1. LearnZillion

21.2. SAS Curriculum Pathways

21.2.1. Writing Navigator