Why do I need a school now I use mobile technology ... and why do I need a teacher when I have the Internet?
by John Cuthell
1. To learn how to learn.
2. Will lack of internet access at home create a digital divide
2.1. It already is and schools are having to be inventive in deprived areas especially as money is now so tight.
2.1.1. New node
3. As mobile devices become more ubiquitious, how can schools carry out their duty of safeguarding effectively and advise parents on how to do the same?
4. Which is more important in this world? knowledge or knowledge creation
5. What are the strengths and weaknesses in both systems? Is knowing how to learn more important than what we learn? or indeed are they complementary or mutually exclusive?
6. Are some exams not fit for purpose in some subject areas?
6.1. Are exams an appropriate form of assessment?
6.2. Has the exam inudustry become too cumbersome and proprietary?
6.3. Do we need more diversity or less when it comes to what an how we learn- i.e. informal learning
7. These technologies are banned in my school / local authority
7.1. Need for policy to ban particular social media activity and technology to prevent legal risk to school? Consequences could close the school, lose pupils etc.
7.1.1. Could risk assessment by used as a model to apply to use of social media and mobile internet ?