Digestive System

Organs and functions

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Digestive System by Mind Map: Digestive System

1. Pancreas

1.1. Pancreatic juice

1.1.1. Digestive enzymes lipase Carbohydrase protease pancreatic amylase

2. Small Intestine

2.1. Duodenum

2.1.1. fist portion of SI

2.1.2. digestion

2.2. Ilium

2.2.1. Second portion of SI

2.2.2. absorption

2.3. Villi

3. Liver

3.1. Produces bile

3.1.1. emulsifies fats

4. Large Intestine

4.1. obsorption of water

4.2. produces feaces

5. Mouth

5.1. Mechanical and chemical digestion

5.2. saliva

5.2.1. contains amylase

5.2.2. lubricates

5.2.3. salts

5.3. Teeth: mechanical digestion

5.4. tongue: moves the alimentary bolus

6. Esophagus

6.1. tube conects mouth & stomach

6.1.1. peristalsis

7. Stomach

7.1. Digestion of proteins

7.2. gastric juice

7.2.1. ClH

7.2.2. Pepsin

7.3. pit of stomach