Goldstein Ch. 6 & 7

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Goldstein Ch. 6 & 7 by Mind Map: Goldstein Ch. 6 & 7

1. Non-binary

1.1. Homosexual men:

1.1.1. lower class homens (men) and bichas (derogatory "faggot")

1.1.2. homens: active, penetrating men

1.1.3. bichas: passive, receiving partners

1.2. Transgender:

1.2.1. Elis, male to female

1.2.2. Object of ridicule

1.2.3. Still having a penis is a topic

2. Sex-positiveness

2.1. paradise for men: half naked women

2.2. masculine vision of tropical sexuality

2.3. sexuality central

2.4. sexuality is key metaphor daily

2.5. even discussed with/around children

2.6. discussed openly without embarassment

2.7. Brazilian feminists: hard to write & make claims because viewed as sex-negative

3. Brazil's sex images/roles

3.1. Buttocks favored over breasts

3.2. bodily liberation:

3.2.1. body language

3.2.2. dress

3.2.3. flirtation

3.2.4. exuberant dance

3.3. Roles: men as transgressors, women as "boundary-setters"

3.4. men "actively consume", women give

3.5. men provide, women take

3.6. men have sex to be men, women be virgins to not add mouth

4. Boys to men

4.1. even without wealth, have good sex

4.2. Boys become active seducers to turn into men

4.3. going without sex not good for men: cause insanity

5. Sexual abuse

5.1. abusers and potential abusers

5.2. potential abusers: "not fully related or committed to protection of child

5.3. the abused often stay, sometimes "like" it

5.4. kids and teens viewed as having desires/agency

6. Rape

6.1. Gloria's oldest daughter at home/niece raped

6.2. 14 and 15 years old

6.3. Screaming with Gloria and family in other room

6.4. Even if men can protect from rape, having men can be risk

6.5. recounted in humor because if told serious, wouldn't be told

7. Losing Virgnity

7.1. Gloria didn't want daughters to lose without marriage

7.2. especially without job: can't support baby

7.3. abortion sought after: don't want another mouth

7.4. Fathers don't support financially enough

7.5. threatened to live on street

8. Lower class victims

8.1. Not given justice since don't share hegemonic attitudes on virginity

8.2. Have to pretend to have views like elite since since judicial is elite

8.3. almost not taken seriously if not virgin

9. Final understandings

9.1. laughter out of place is in place in that culture

9.2. necessary to discuss painful stories and gain relief

9.3. Gloria wants daughters to be independent

9.4. Daughters need to be independent before babies so mom has less mouths to feed

9.5. jokes of cites of murder: place now clean makes location less frightening

9.6. Marieta screamed at doctor as self-defense

10. Spreading democracy

10.1. rules of law need to be applied everywhere

10.2. not just in non-brown areas

10.3. human rights need to be seen as necessary for everyone

10.4. laws shouldn't be separated into privilege or marginalization