GBT Interactivity Testing

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GBT Interactivity Testing by Mind Map: GBT Interactivity Testing

1. actions to test

1.1. only considering run time actions

1.2. TO DO: complete interactionTable.xlsx

1.3. which components emit which events?

1.4. TO DO: bin actions common to all components

1.5. FuncUnit actions

1.5.1. click

1.5.2. double click

1.5.3. drag

1.5.4. move

1.5.5. right click

1.5.6. scroll

1.5.7. type

2. components to test

2.1. Common Components

2.1.1. uiaxes

2.1.2. uibutton

2.1.3. uibuttongroup

2.1.4. uicheckbox

2.1.5. uidropdown

2.1.6. uieditfield

2.1.7. uilabel

2.1.8. uilistbox

2.1.9. uiradiobutton

2.1.10. uislider

2.1.11. uispinner

2.1.12. uitable

2.1.13. uitextarea

2.1.14. uitogglebutton

2.2. container components

2.2.1. uifigure

2.2.2. uipanel

2.2.3. uitabgroup

2.2.4. uitab

2.3. instrumentation components

2.3.1. uiknob

2.3.2. uiswitch

3. Organization

3.1. WebWidgets Organization

3.1.1. Mixins for common tests

3.1.2. chaining of tests

3.1.3. abstract properties to define the type of widget under test

3.1.4. tests specific to widget performed in base class

3.2. differences from WebWidgets

3.2.1. only testing interactions

3.2.2. only verifying events

3.2.3. no htmlinjector

3.3. GBT Organization

3.3.1. Test Base classes

3.3.2. Test Mixins

3.3.3. utilities

4. verifications

4.1. interact with component via funcunit

4.2. verify event

4.2.1. TO DO: need to understand app designer events JS doc for web widgets

5. merge with dev tests