Nicole Pinkard on Digital Literacy

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Nicole Pinkard on Digital Literacy by Mind Map: Nicole Pinkard on Digital Literacy

1. That's New to Me

1.1. These kids have more experiences than those in Silicone Valley.

2. I Totally Agree

2.1. If students today aren't fluent in digital media, by the time they graduate college, they may not be considered literate.

2.2. All students need a place for creative voice

2.3. Students can learn from students

2.4. It takes a collective effort to create a project such as this.

3. I Disagree

3.1. Teachers in school can't be the way kids learn these literacies

4. Links Back to Me

4.1. I teach student with similar socioeconomic backgrounds.

4.2. I am trying to be a change agent such as Nicole.

5. Questions I Have

5.1. Do these students choose careers or to study in areas that are media related?

5.2. How is this all funded?

5.3. How will it be sustained?

5.4. Was there oppoistiion and was it overcome?