Aboriginal Perspectives

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Aboriginal Perspectives by Mind Map: Aboriginal Perspectives

1. Land

1.1. sharing the land

1.2. living together in harmony

1.3. giving the required respect

2. StoryTelling

2.1. educating the children through storytelling

2.2. oral communication and socialization

2.3. solid life skills building

3. Spirituality

3.1. everything has spirit

3.2. dream catchers are important

3.3. a range of spiritual beliefs

4. Powwows

4.1. everybody is an active participant

4.2. ceremony of dance and celebrations

4.3. naming and honoring ceremonies

5. Community Links

5.1. Native Studies Field Trips

6. Medicine Wheel

6.1. 4 cardinal points

6.2. interconnectivity of life and provides a compass and direction

6.3. the 4 aspects of an individual are represented: spiritual, emotional, physical and mental

7. Elders

7.1. the most respected members of the society

7.2. in charge of the children's education among other responsibilities

7.3. are the archives of the communities