Sports and Community

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Sports and Community by Mind Map: Sports and Community

1. Community

1.1. Membership

1.2. Influence

1.3. Intergration

1.4. Fulfillment

1.5. Connection

2. Prevention

2.1. Depression

2.2. Stress

2.3. Crime

2.4. Obesity

2.5. Barriers

3. Skills

3.1. Team Work

3.2. Competence

3.3. Self Control

3.4. Discipline

3.5. Organization

4. Healthy

4.1. Mentally

4.2. Physically

5. World Wide

6. Hope

7. Confidence

8. Acceptance

9. Partnerships

10. Commitment

11. Connectedness

12. Participation

13. Prevention

14. Perseverance