Platform game

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Platform game by Mind Map: Platform game

1. skip studio animation button appears

1.1. skip button mouse over animation

1.2. skip button neutral state

2. Introduction screen

2.1. Visual

2.1.1. Studio logo animation (5 Seconds)

2.2. Usability

2.2.1. Logo appears

2.3. Functionality

2.3.1. Skip button appears after 5 seconds

3. Title screen

3.1. Initial screen transition animation

3.1.1. Background animation Game logo appears (Logo captures players attention by rule of thirds, contrast with background and fill 1/4 of screen) Start game button animation (Buttons are obvious and can be seen clearly) Option button animation (Buttons are obvious and can be seen clearly) Credits button animation (Buttons are obvious and can be seen clearly) Copyright statement appears at the bottom