Genetically Modified Food

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Genetically Modified Food by Mind Map: Genetically Modified Food

1. How has gmo crops had an effect on our health? Has it created long and short term side effects?

2. How is gmo crops preventing cross contamination?

3. Quality of food

3.1. Nutrition value

3.2. Research

3.3. Health benefits

4. known health implications

4.1. long/short term side effects

4.2. allergines

4.3. gluten intolerance

5. unknown health implications

5.1. effects on future generations

5.2. long/short term side effects

6. organic Vs GMO

6.1. Effects on the Environment

6.2. Production

6.3. cross contamination

6.4. pesticides/herbacides

7. Costs

7.1. production

7.2. distribution

7.3. funding

7.4. wastage

8. developing countries

8.1. will this allow third world countries easier access to food?

8.2. will the cost of these foods be less?

9. Supply and demand

9.1. availability

9.2. types

9.3. How has it changed the development of the crops? Has it now been out sourced?

10. Fact sheets