For Honor Alpha Feedback

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For Honor Alpha Feedback by Mind Map: For Honor Alpha Feedback

1. Pros

1.1. One of the most immersive games I've ever played.

1.2. Making the player feel like a "Hero"

1.2.1. It's Important to make the player feel like the hero in the game, and it's done that by a long shot.

1.3. Combat is just absolutely brutal and amazing, every move must be calculated to counter each class. (Sense of skill base.)

1.4. This has the potential to be game of the year, if updated and not left to rot, like many other games in the industries.

1.5. Executions (excuse me) Makes me moist. This is by far the most amazing thing to do. There's nothing like a hard long fight then stabbing someone in the throat. Such satisfaction to it.

1.5.1. Please I beg you, make more.

2. Cons

2.1. Gank squad and can be very very annoying at times.

2.2. Currency gold income is to low

2.2.1. But is fine in a sense. Not a valid complaint.

2.3. Needs a bit more optimization on PC.

2.3.1. It's great, but it can be perfect. Valid

2.4. Space E hasn't gotten a raise yet.

3. Suggestions

3.1. Samurai.

3.1.1. Look into a different animation for the right and left side defense. Something that feels more immersive.

3.2. Progression, give us something to work for.

3.2.1. This is important, it gives the player a sense of something to do, End game level cap rewards. Skins customization options When people walk onto the battlefield they will know they are with a high level player. Many games FAIL this concept.

3.3. For the love of god please have ranked

3.3.1. Or maybe have it down the road, with rewards.

3.4. Please remove KDR

3.4.1. This is the biggest issue with games, people want a high KDR and ignore objectives ruining matches for other players.

4. Bugs

4.1. Going up ladders bugs the character, animation goes crazy.

4.2. Major bug

4.2.1. Defense breaker (Middle mouse) Is not working correctly on the Samurai, or in general.

4.3. Matchmaking needs a brush up.

4.4. When in a party if a member is looking at customization options, and the other person ques for a match. It bugs out and kicks the whole group.

4.5. When looking at the customization options, game will randomly knock you out of it, showing you the map with nothing to click on. Resorting in restarting the game.

4.6. Please look into FPS loss with the GTX 1080. Single GPU related.