"Two armies that fight each other is like one large army that commits suicide". French soldier He...

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"Two armies that fight each other is like one large army that commits suicide". French soldier Henri Barbusse, in his novel "Le Feu", 1915. Discuss the negative impacts of war. by Mind Map: "Two armies that fight each other is like one large army that commits suicide". French soldier Henri Barbusse, in his novel "Le Feu", 1915. Discuss the negative impacts of war.

1. Total Number of Deaths

1.1. Soldiers

1.2. Civilian casualties

2. Destruction

2.1. Landmarks are destroyed

2.2. The environment is damaged e.g. chemical spraying

3. Decline in Country's Economy

3.1. Money is spent on troops and supplies which cause the country to go into debt

3.2. Taxes are raised to support the war

4. Psychological Impacts

4.1. PTSD in surviving soldiers (which is a long term cost of war)

4.2. Shell Shock Syndrome

4.3. Children of war

5. Political Instability

5.1. Alliances are formed

5.2. Cold war

5.3. Emergence of superpowers