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CHAPTER 2 by Mind Map: CHAPTER 2

1. Multimedia skills

1.1. -Project Manager

1.2. Multimedia Programmer

1.3. Audio/ Video Specialist

1.4. Multimedia Designer

1.5. -Writer

2. Hardware

2.1. Firewire

2.2. IDE, USB

2.3. Production Platform

2.4. Connections

2.5. Memory and storages devices

3. Types of authoring tools

3.1. Card and page based authoring tools

3.2. Icon and object based authoring tools

3.3. Time based authoring tools

4. Intangible asset in multimedia

4.1. Creativity

4.2. Organizing

4.3. Communication

5. Four basic Stages In a multimedia

5.1. Planning and Costing

5.1.1. Planning and Costing

5.2. Designing and producing

5.3. Testing

6. Software

6.1. Painting and Drawing Tools

6.2. 3-D modeling tools

6.3. Sound editing tools

6.4. Image editing tools

6.5. Text editing and word processing tools