Interdependence Among Nations.

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Interdependence Among Nations. by Mind Map: Interdependence Among Nations.

1. Interdependence: The quality or condition of being mutually reliant on each other

2. Not all countries have a large investment in sectors such as technology, or have abundance in oil or specific crops, which causes the need of the nation to bring what is necessary/ demanded  for the population. (Importation) Bringing a dependency of goods by these countries side, and a dependency of currency by the exporters of these goods.

3. An economic crisis caused by a very strong economy of the world, brings chaos to the economies of all or most of the other nations.

4. The decrease of the production of goods, mainly crops, caused by bad weather or a plague, causes an exorbitant rise of the price since the quantity is lower and the demand is higher, causing the importation of these goods a very expensive treat, causing a very high price for the market.

5. Ana María de Lourdes Gómez Oviedo A01410926

6. Intermational business involves importations and exportations of goods between nations, which bring economic incomes and outcomes to the different countries.

7. Globalization has brought the thinking of needing products that are not really necessary to specific sectors of the population, bringing the rise of demand in certain goods, mainly in the technological field, causing the empowerment of corporations, which brings a direct proportion demand-prices.

8. The importation of foreign products can also cause the decrease of the purchase of national products, affecting the national corporations, which affects the national economy as well.