Student Learning is...

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Student Learning is... by Mind Map: Student Learning is...

1. The ability to question and reflect

1.1. Do we need to model how to question and reflect?

1.1.1. when we position ourselves as co-learners we will be doing this for sure

2. A growth mindset

2.1. Accept misconceptions and use them to grow as a learner

2.1.1. see mistakes as an opportunity to learn and continue asking questions

3. Work collaboratively and share ideas

3.1. a process we can do with and from each other

4. Safe and stimulating classroom

4.1. allow themselves permission to make mistakes

5. an openness and eagerness to learn from others

6. see the application and relevance of what is being learned

6.1. ...and also have a connection/interest to the topic

7. metacognition

7.1. how you learn is just as important

7.2. understanding where to look for answers to their questions

7.3. being reflective in their thought process to see where things may have gone wrong / right

8. safe when mistakes are viewed as parts of the proces

9. getting messy

9.1. Allowing the mess to happen can be hard. It might just look like mess and disorganization to someone passing by, when really it is some amazing learning.

10. Confusing! Which is okay.

11. need materials and environment appropriate for rich learning


13. a journey with no endpoint

13.1. and multiple pathways

13.2. find their passion in life

14. need curiosity

14.1. need experiences to be curious about

15. connecting with their thoughts

16. ability to listen to and be respectful of others' ideas

17. ongoing

18. authentic and relevant experiences

18.1. it matters to their world and their values