Session 3 -- Promise/Peril & Radical Change

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Session 3 -- Promise/Peril & Radical Change by Mind Map: Session 3 -- Promise/Peril & Radical Change

1. Poem -- My Life

1.1. How I look at it -- all about change

2. Action Learning Project

2.1. Design relevant project

2.2. Complete Lit-Review Lite for A

2.3. Submit Project Design for Review

2.4. Implement & Some Aspect of Project

2.5. Produce Multimedia Report

2.6. Present ALP at Inworld Conference

3. Reflective Assessment Portfolio

3.1. Personal Portfolio on Google Docs

3.2. Reflect & Self-Assess Each Week

3.3. 1:1 Dialogue with Instructor

4. Weekly Activities & Action Items

4.1. Project 1: Evaluating Literary Quality of Young Adult Literature -- 2011 Printz & Melinda Awards

4.1.1. Bookcasts

4.1.2. Lit Quality VoiceThread

4.2. Project 2: Trends & Issues in Learning Young Adult Literature

4.2.1. Collaborative Critical Inquiries

4.2.2. Genre Book Clubs Nonfiction Graphica

4.3. Project 3: Virtual Author Study of Jon Maberry

4.3.1. Whole Class Reads Rot and Ruin

4.3.2. Book Club Selects Marchetta Novel

4.3.3. Interview Jon Maberry

5. Stone Soup: Contributions via Personal Learning Environment

5.1. Course Diigo Group (Social Bookmarking)

5.2. Twitter #Bookhenge

5.3. Blog & Comment on Resonant & Relevant Blogs

5.4. Bookcasts & ALP MM Reports on YouTube