UNSM's Municipal Sustainability Office


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UNSM's Municipal Sustainability Office by Mind Map: UNSM's Municipal Sustainability Office

1. Municipal Fleet Management

1.1. Purchasing fuel efficient vehicles

1.1.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

1.1.2. Other Municipalities (17)

1.2. Driver behaviour training for municipal staff

1.2.1. Municipalities (13)

1.3. Fleet maintenance program to improve fuel efficiency

1.3.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

1.3.2. Other Municipalities (23)

1.4. Anti-idling policy

1.4.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

1.4.2. Other Municipalities (18)

2. Transportation

2.1. Public transportation improvements/studies

2.1.1. District of Digby

2.1.2. Halifax Regional Municipality

2.1.3. Other Municipalities (17)

2.2. Cycling

2.2.1. Bike loan program Town of Annapolis Royal

2.2.2. Police bike patrols Town of Annapolis Royal

2.2.3. Bike paths/routes Halifax Regional Municipality

2.3. Carpool program for municipal staff

2.3.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

2.3.2. Other Municipalities (7)

2.4. Active Transportation Strategy or Plan

2.4.1. Town of Bridgewater

2.4.2. Cape Breton Regional Municipality

2.4.3. Other Municipalities (12)

2.5. Anti-idling campaign

2.5.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

2.5.2. Halifax Regional Municipality

2.5.3. Other Municipalities (14)

3. Renewable Energy

3.1. Renewable energy strategy for the community

3.1.1. Town of New Glasgow

3.1.2. Other Municipalities (10)

3.2. Municipal solar energy project

3.2.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

3.2.2. Town of Bridgewater (underway)

3.2.3. Other Municipalities (8)

3.3. Municipal geothermal project

3.3.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

3.3.2. Other Municipalities (9)

3.4. Municipal wind energy project

3.4.1. Municipalities (7)

3.5. Wind energy by-law

3.5.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

3.5.2. Municipality of the County of Pictou

3.5.3. Other Municipalities (14)

3.6. Other renewable energy policies/by-laws

3.6.1. Other Municipalities Reporting Successful Initiatives (6)

3.6.2. Town of Annapolis Royal

4. Planning

4.1. Climate change adaptation

4.1.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

4.1.2. Town of Annapolis Royal

4.1.3. Other Municipalities (14)

4.2. Climate change mitigation

4.2.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

4.2.2. Other Municipalities (11)

4.3. ICSP Development

4.3.1. Municipality of the District of Shelburne

4.3.2. Town of Bridgewater

4.3.3. Town of Bridgetown

4.3.4. Municipality of the District of Yarmouth

4.3.5. Town of Windsor

4.3.6. Municipality of the District of Chester

4.3.7. Municipality of the District of Argyle

4.3.8. Other Municipalities (30)

4.4. Remediation and/or redevelopment of a brownfield site

4.4.1. Municipalities (10)

4.5. Community Energy Strategy/Plan

4.5.1. Municipality of the District of Clare

4.5.2. Town of New Glasgow

4.5.3. Halifax Regional Municipality

4.5.4. Other Municipalities (12)

4.6. Active Living Strategy

4.6.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

5. Water

5.1. Watershed protection plan

5.1.1. Town of Wolfville

5.1.2. Other Municipalities (30)

5.2. Installation of water conservation devices in municipal facilities

5.2.1. Municipalities (21)

5.3. Improvements to the water treatment plant and distribution system

5.3.1. Region of Queens Municipality

5.3.2. Other Municipalities (22)

5.4. A policy to encourage the use of municipal drinking water

5.4.1. Municipalities (11)

5.5. Policy to ban bottled water at municipal events

5.5.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

5.5.2. Town of Digby

5.5.3. Other Municipalities (6)

6. Waste Management

6.1. Program to divert waste from the landfill

6.1.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

6.1.2. Town of Bridgewater

6.1.3. Town of Stellarton

6.1.4. Municipality of Argyle

6.1.5. Town of Antigonish

6.1.6. Region of Queens Municipality

6.1.7. Municipality of the District of East Hants

6.1.8. Town of Annapolis Royal

6.1.9. Town of Windsor

6.1.10. Municipality of the District of Chester

6.1.11. Town of Yarmouth

6.1.12. Town of Kentville

6.1.13. Cape Breton Regional Municipality

6.1.14. Municipality of the County of Pictou

6.1.15. Municipality of the County of Antigonish

6.1.16. Other Municipalities (9)

6.2. Clear bag recycling program

6.2.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

6.2.2. Municipality of the District of Argyle

6.2.3. Municipality of the District of Digby

6.2.4. Town of Antigonish

6.2.5. Municipality of the District of East Hants

6.2.6. Town of Annapolis Royal

6.2.7. Town of Windsor

6.2.8. Municipality of the District of Chester

6.2.9. Town of Yarmouth

6.2.10. Municipality of the County of Antigonish

6.2.11. Municipality of the County of Richmond

6.2.12. Other Municipalities (8)

6.3. Zero Waste Initiative

6.3.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

6.4. Landfill Gas Capture

6.4.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

7. Energy Efficiency

7.1. Green fund to bank energy savings to support future sustainability project

7.1.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

7.1.2. Other Municipalities (3)

7.2. Energy baseline for the municipality

7.2.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

7.2.2. Town of Annapolis Royal

7.2.3. Municipality of the District of Clare

7.2.4. Other Municipalities (21)

7.3. Municipal district energy project

7.3.1. Municipalities (4)

7.4. LED street lights

7.4.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

7.4.2. Town of Annapolis Royal

7.4.3. Other Municipalities (7)

7.5. Purchase of new equipment to reduce energy use such as energy meters

7.5.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

7.5.2. Town of Kentville

7.5.3. Municipality of the District of Clare

7.5.4. Halifax Regional Municipality

7.5.5. Other Municipalities (10)

8. Engagement

8.1. Sustainable Practices Committee with staff, council and/or citizens

8.1.1. Municipalities (15) New node

8.2. Public educational campaign

8.2.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

8.2.2. Other Municipalities (14)

8.3. Fairs or special events

8.3.1. Town of Bridgewater

8.3.2. Municipality of the District of Argyle

8.3.3. Other Municipalities (15)

8.4. Incentive programs

8.4.1. Municipalities

8.5. Presentations to the community

8.5.1. Municipalities (21)

8.6. Public announcements

8.6.1. Municipalities (19)

8.7. Public consultations

8.7.1. Town of Bridgewater

8.7.2. Other Municipalities (16)

8.8. Printed materials

8.8.1. Municipalities (18)

8.9. Partnering with other municipalities on a regional initiative

8.9.1. Other Municipalities (17)

8.10. Website with sustainability content

8.10.1. Town of Bridgewater

8.10.2. Municipality of the County of Colchester

8.10.3. Town of Annapolis Royal

8.10.4. Town of Windsor

8.10.5. Municipality of the District of Chester

8.10.6. Other Municipalities (16)

8.11. Community Asset Mapping Workshop

8.11.1. Municipality of the District of Argyle

9. Corporate Policies

9.1. Sustainable procurement policy

9.1.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

9.1.2. Other Municipalities (9)

9.2. Carbon offset policy for staff travel and/or events

9.2.1. Municipalities (4)

9.3. Green office procedures policy to reduce energy and resource use

9.3.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

9.3.2. Other Municipalities (4)

9.4. Green cleaning policy for municipal buildings

9.4.1. Municipalities (11)

10. Local Food Security

10.1. Support for a local farmers' market

10.1.1. Town of Bridgewater

10.1.2. Other Municipalities (26)

10.2. Buy local food campaign

10.2.1. Municipalities (18)

10.3. Community gardens

10.3.1. Town of Bridgewater

10.3.2. Other Municipalities (12)

10.4. Guide to local food sources

10.4.1. Municipalities (11)

11. Buildings

11.1. Energy standards for new municipal buildings such as LEED

11.1.1. Municipalities (13)

11.2. Energy efficiency retrofit of municipal buildings

11.2.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

11.2.2. Town of Bridgewater

11.2.3. Town of Annapolis Royal

11.2.4. Other Municipalities (18)

11.3. Energy audit of municipal buildings

11.3.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

11.3.2. Municipality of the District of Clare

11.3.3. Other Municipalities (25)

11.4. LEED standard for municipal buildings

11.4.1. Municipalities (5)

11.5. Other

11.5.1. Town of Bridgetown Redevelopment Plan

12. Partnership Programs

12.1. Atlantic Climate Adaptation Solution or RAC

12.1.1. Municipalities (7)

12.2. FCM's Partners for Climate Protection

12.2.1. Town of Annapolis Royal

12.2.2. Town of Wolfville

12.2.3. Other Municipalities (6)

12.3. Engineers Canada

12.3.1. Municipalities (2)

12.4. Atlantic Sustainability Initiative

12.4.1. Municipalities (3)

12.5. Ecology Action Centre

12.5.1. Town of Bridgewater

12.5.2. Town of Bridgetown

12.5.3. Town of Antigonish

12.5.4. Town of Annapolis Royal

12.5.5. Other Municipalities (4)

12.6. Local university

12.6.1. Halifax Regional Municipality

12.6.2. Town of Bridgewater

12.6.3. Town of Bridgetown

12.6.4. Town of Annapolis Royal

12.6.5. Other Municipalities (3)

12.7. Clean Nova Scotia

12.7.1. Town of Bridgewater

12.7.2. Town of Antigonish

12.7.3. Municipality of the District of East Hants

12.7.4. Other Municipalities (11)

12.8. Other

12.8.1. Town of Bridgewater- Sustainability Partnership Program

12.8.2. Town of Annapolis Royal-Clean Annapolis River Project

12.8.3. Town of Annapolis Royal-Applied Geomatics Group at COGS

12.9. ecoNovaScotia

12.9.1. Municipality of the District of East Hants

12.9.2. Other Municipalities (20)

12.10. Municipal revenues

12.10.1. Municipalities (35)

12.11. Gas tax funds

12.11.1. Municipalities (24)

12.12. Conserve Nova Scotia

12.12.1. Municipalities (18)

12.13. Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Green Municipal Fund

12.13.1. Municipalities (13)

12.14. Government of Nova Scotia

12.14.1. Municipalities (27)

12.15. Other

12.15.1. Nova Scotia Power Municipality of the District of East Hants

12.15.2. Infrastructure Canada/NS Municipality of the County of Colchester

12.15.3. Natural Resources Canada (EcoEnergy) Municipality of the District of East Hants