General Mathematics

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General Mathematics by Mind Map: General Mathematics

1. Business Math

1.1. Interest

1.1.1. Simple calculated only on the the principal amount of the loan

1.1.2. Compound calculated on the principal and on interest earned

1.2. Annuities

1.2.1. Simple Annuity series of equal payments made at the end of consecutive periods over a fixed length of time

1.2.2. Deferred Annuity commences only after a lapse of some specified time after the final purchase premium has been paid

1.2.3. General Annuity the payments do not coincide with the interest periods

1.3. Ammortization

1.3.1. process of allocating the cost of an intangible asset over a period of time

2. Functions

2.1. Rational Functions

2.1.1. Any function that deals with the ratio of two polynomials y = 2x+5/x+1

2.2. Logarithmic Functions

2.2.1. Any function that deals with logarithms 5^x+1 = 625

2.3. Exponential Functions

2.3.1. Any function that in which an independent variable appears as an exponent y=5^-x

2.4. Polynomial Functions

2.4.1. Any function that deals with a quadratic, cubic, a quartic, and so forth f(x) = 4x^3 − 3x^2 + 2

3. Logic

3.1. concerned with the study of formal languages, formal reasoning, the nature of mathematical proof, provability of mathematical statements, computability, and other aspects of the foundations of mathematics

3.2. Inference Rule

3.2.1. To deduce new statements from the statements whose truth that we already know