The Online Learner

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The Online Learner by Mind Map: The Online Learner

1. Learning Styles

1.1. Visual

1.1.1. Text Based

1.2. Auditory

1.2.1. Listen

1.2.2. Interaction

1.3. Kinestetic

1.3.1. Hands On

2. Learning Strategies

2.1. Lecture

2.2. Collaboration

2.3. Active

2.4. Discussion Forums

2.5. Group Work/Projects

3. Tools

3.1. Software

3.1.1. Email

3.1.2. Blogs

3.1.3. Wikis

3.1.4. Screen Casts

3.1.5. Videos

3.1.6. Internet Access

3.2. Hardware

3.2.1. CPU

3.2.2. Headset

4. Characteristics

4.1. Independent

4.2. Computer Savvy

4.3. Self Discipline

4.4. Motivation

4.5. Seeks Assistance

4.6. Time Management

4.7. Willingness to Learn

4.8. Active Participant

4.9. Able to Experiment with Technology

4.10. Good Reading Skills

5. Skills

5.1. Computer Technical Skills

5.1.1. Web Tools

5.1.2. Strong Word Processing Skills

5.1.3. Troubleshooting Technical Problems

5.2. Learning Skills

5.2.1. Writing Assignments Discussion Threads Papers

5.2.2. Reading Postings Articles

5.2.3. Communication Synchronous Asynchronous