Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 by Mind Map: Chapter 3

1. Text elements

1.1. Menus of navigation

1.2. Interactive buttons

1.3. Fields of reading

1.4. HTML documents

1.5. Symbols and icons

2. Computers and Text

2.1. Bitmaps fonts and vector font

2.2. Character sets

2.3. Extended character set

2.4. Unicode

3. Font editing and design tools

3.1. FontLab,Ltd

3.2. Creating attractive texts

3.3. Fontographer

4. Hypertext

4.1. Electronic publishing and reference works

4.2. Technical documentation

4.3. Educational courseware

4.4. Interactive kiosks

4.5. Electronic catalogs

5. Hypermedia

5.1. Links

5.2. Nodes

5.3. Anchors

6. fonts and typefaces

6.1. Fonts styles

6.2. Font terminology

6.3. Cases

7. Font styles

7.1. Boldface

7.2. Italic

7.3. Underlining

7.4. Outlining

8. Font Terminology

8.1. Baseline

8.2. Cap height

8.3. x-height

8.4. Ascenders/descenders

8.5. Kerning

8.6. Tracking

9. Cases

9.1. Uppercase

9.2. Lowercase