
Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Shopping by Mind Map: Shopping

1. Can I try it on?

2. I'm just looking

3. I want a refund

3.1. Can I take it back?

4. It's / they're too loose / tight

5. Can I borrow?

6. Expressions

6.1. It matches ...

6.2. Where is the changing / fitting room?

6.3. It suits you

6.4. It's broken / out of order

6.5. How much is it / are they?

6.6. It fits you

6.7. What size are you?

6.8. I'd like to exchange

7. cashier

8. basket

9. shirt

10. suit

11. Accessories

11.1. belt

11.2. necklace

11.3. ring

11.4. earrings

11.5. handbag