Prepare for the start of school.

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Prepare for the start of school. by Mind Map: Prepare for the start of school.

1. Literary Magazine?

1.1. Funding?

1.2. Online or Print?

1.3. Timeline for submission and publication

2. Meetings, etc

2.1. T&L

2.1.1. Mindmeister

2.1.2. Keynote

2.1.3. Keynote

2.1.4. Differentiation Conversational Spanish?

2.2. Faculty Meeting

2.3. NCEES Training

2.4. Open House

3. Room

3.1. desks from Ms. Chance

3.2. seating charts

4. Lesson Plans

4.1. IB IV

4.1.1. login (Carrie)

4.2. IB III

4.3. AP IV

4.4. American History

4.4.1. Textbooks?

4.4.2. Curriculum Map (Sarah)

4.4.3. Get stuff from Amber

4.5. Curriculum Map (with Rachel)

4.6. Book List (Ms. Pike)

4.7. First Day plans

4.7.1. Syllabi

4.7.2. Documents

5. Clubs?