Head's effectiveness is challenged

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Head's effectiveness is challenged by Mind Map: Head's effectiveness is challenged

1. Talking to the Head

1.1. Hear the head's perspective.  Information gathering.

1.2. Accusatory style.

1.2.1. Head pushes back.  Ends conversation and gets legal counsel.

1.3. Inviting accusers to the conversation.

1.3.1. Accusers report out everything on social media.  Everyone is talking about it.  Head is humiliated.  Polarization of school community.

2. Open letter style complaint is posted on listserv/email chain

2.1. Individual members posting to the listserv- empassioned defense

2.1.1. Pissing the contest continues and problem escalates.  Now with heightened problem.  Calls for board/head resignation.  Erosion of Board culture and relationships.

2.2. Board reacting without consulting the head, launching inquiry through personal channels

2.2.1. Head doesn't feel that he/she can trust the Board.  Head retains legal counsel.  Lasting damage to relationship.  Head informs the Board that he/she will not return next year.

2.3. Talking to the head, meeting as a body

3. Board's response- meeting with school community (filmed)

3.1. Transparency, honest response.  Communicates as much as they reasonably can.  Take responsibility.  Appropriate channels.  Board has the back.

3.1.1. Resource: What are the appropriate channels?  Does your school have a clear policy?  See our resources.