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FreshDirect by Mind Map: FreshDirect

1. Social Care Overview: Twitter

1.1. @FreshDirect

1.1.1. Use Hootsuite

1.1.2. Mixture of engagement and CS, but more engagement focused

1.1.3. Take to DM first

2. Social Stack

2.1. Hootsuite

3. Types of complaints

3.1. Delivery issues

3.2. questions about product / stock

3.3. shoutouts to FD

3.4. Issues with food

4. Key Stakeholders

4.1. Social / Media

4.1.1. Liz Kennedy Director of Content Strategy and Social Media at FreshDirect; [email protected]

4.1.2. Amanda Hawkins Associate Marketing Manager, Integrated Content and Social Media at FreshDirect; [email protected] We've been told she handles customer care on social, however she has never responded to a single thing

4.2. Digital / Marketing

4.2.1. Amy Heir Director, Customer Marketing & Loyalty at FreshDirect; [email protected]

4.2.2. Lisa Kolodny Johnson Vice President, Brand Marketing and Communications at FreshDirect; [email protected]

4.2.3. Kriti Dave Digital Marketing Manager at FreshDirect; [email protected]

4.3. Customer / Experience

4.3.1. Chris Woodard Senior Director of Retention & Loyalty at FreshDirect; [email protected] Villanova Alumni

4.3.2. Jodi Kahn Chief Consumer Officer at FreshDirect; [email protected]

4.3.3. Karen Connaughton Director of Service Operations / Customer Experience at FreshDirect; [email protected]

4.4. Contact Center

4.4.1. Tracy Hill Customer Service Manager at FreshDirect; [email protected] dodging calls; doesn't seem to lie with her

4.5. IT / Misc.

4.5.1. Jim DeMarco VP, Business Intelligence & Analytics at FreshDirect; [email protected]