what about the brain and just regular knowledge can help with anxieties?

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what about the brain and just regular knowledge can help with anxieties? by Mind Map: what about the brain and just regular knowledge can help with anxieties?

1. What specialist can diagnose anxiety?

1.1. What can happen to help a person with anxiety?

1.1.1. Medicine? Thearapist? Which is best recommended?

1.2. Medicine Therapist?

1.3. Which is best recommended?

2. What happens when someone has anxiety attack?

2.1. How to stop them?

3. How can you help relieve anxiety?

3.1. best suggestion

3.2. medicines?

3.3. speaking with someone?

4. how can increased knowledge of the brain help with anxiety?

5. Neurofeedback

6. What kind of anxieties are there?

6.1. How can they be diagnosed?

7. What are the symptoms of different anxieties?

8. What can trigger anxiety attacks?

8.1. Kids being bullied?

8.2. Trouble at home?

8.3. Struggling at home?

8.4. Stress from school or a sport?

9. having knowing wha

10. how  does the brain influence anxiety?