Protect the Environment

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Protect the Environment by Mind Map: Protect the Environment

1. Clean Land

1.1. Don’t buy more than you need. When it comes to lawn chemicals, pesticides, paints and other hazardous materials, buy a smaller package so you won’t have leftovers to dispose of.

1.2. Give it away, don’t throw it away. Many charitable organizations accept donations of wearable clothing and gently used household items.

1.3. Recycle. If your community does not offer a recycling program, ask local officials to start one.

2. Clean Air

2.1. Painting your house? Use a latex paint. Oil-based paints release hydrocarbon fumes.

2.2. Plant a tree. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.

2.3. Don’t burn your yard waste. It’s illegal in many areas of Ohio because burning yard waste releases mold

3. Clean Water

3.1. Take a shorter shower. And switch to a low-flow shower head.

3.2. Water your lawn in the early morning, when the water will soak in and not evaporate in the heat of the day.

3.3. Use less fertilizer on your lawn. When it rains, excess fertilizer runs off into storm sewers and pollutes streams.